Friday, January 28, 2011

Beckham Back Tattoo Design

Beckham Back Tattoo Design 3 Beckham Back Tattoo Design

Beckham Back Tattoo Design 3

These are some examples of david beckam tattoo design exactly in the back of his body.The idea to get tattooed came to me a little while after Brooklyn was born. I was talking to Mel B and her then-husband, Jimmy Gulzar, and the subject of tattoos came up. I ended up going to this Dutch guy who’d done all of Jimmy’s. I’d finally realized what I wanted a tattoo to represent. Mine are all about the people in my life, my wife and sons, who I want with me always. When you see me, you see the tattoos.

Beckham Back Tattoo Design 1 Beckham Back Tattoo Design

Beckham Back Tattoo Design 1

Beckham Back Tattoo Design Beckham Back Tattoo Design

Beckham Back Tattoo Design

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