Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Celtic Tattoos Shamrock

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As the old saying goes “To be born Irish is to be born lucky.” Celtic tattoos of a shamrock have been a popular tattoo over the years and are known for brining luck. Having a good luck charm such as Celtic shamrock tattoo is said to improve your luck because it will make you more aware of your surroundings and opportunities therefore making you more likely to adopt a resilient attitude which in turn helps you to make your own luck. A Celtic tattoo of a shamrock is a great way to signify and represent ones luck. Several Celtic symbols are known to represent luck such as claddaghs, bells, harps, horseshoes, rainbows, etc. However shamrock tattoos are know to be the luckiest symbol of the Celtic culture and thus are a popular tattoo.

Shamrocks have been considered a lucky symbol ever since the legend St. Patrick used a shamrock to illustrate the Holy Trinity. One leaf for the son, one leaf for the father, and the final leaf for the Holy Spirit. The shamrock is the most recognizable symbol of Ireland. Celtic tattoos of a shamrock can be a great way to display your Irish heritage. The Irish, like their Celtic ancestors connect deeply with nature and shamrock tattoos can represent a profound love and respect for nature.
It’s important to note that a four leaf clover shouldn’t be confused with Ireland’s beloved shamrock. The 4 leafs represent hope, luck, faith and love.

What’s great about Celtic Shamrock tattoos is that they can be small enough to wear almost anywhere on your body. Your hip, lower back, arm, hand, foot, ankle, back of your neck, all are perfectly acceptable locations. Also keep in mind that it’s a great idea to combine shamrock tattoos with other Celtic designs. It allows for your tattoo design to be unique and out of the ordinary. For example, you might want to pair up a shamrock with a claddagh which can represent friendship, loyalty, and love. You might have a shamrock placed inside of a Celtic cross, or you could have a Celtic knot entwined with a shamrock. The possibilities are never ending.

In conclusion, shamrock tattoos can be the perfect embodiment of the Celtic culture and is one of the oldest and most popular symbols.

Post from: Free Tattoo Designs & Patterns

Celtic Tattoos Shamrock

tattoo designsButterfly tattoos have been among one of the most popular tattoo designs that have been requested for woman over the past years. Butterfly tattoos hold a unique fascination with the human race and have always been subject to artistic expression whether it’s in music, tattoos, paintings, etc. With its vivid colors, striking lines, and distinctiveness, most people can’t disagree with the beauty of a butterfly.

There are literally millions of butterfly tattoo designs. With that in mind finding the right design can take time. Tribal style butterflies, Celtic butterfly designs, fairy butterflies, big bold butterflies, to small butterfly tattoo designs and anything else in between.

If you know you want a butterfly tattoo I would advise you to look at the designs below to try and open up your mind to all the different design possibilities. It’s also a good idea to look at real pictures of butterflies to understand their shapes and color patterns.

butterfly tattoosButterfly tattoos can hold a variety of different meanings. If you’re not already on the bandwagon for a butterfly tattoo perhaps I can persuade you with the following information. Below I have given some information on what butterfly tattoos can represent, facts about butterflies, as well as testimonials from people that have received butterfly tattoo designs. Please keep in mind that a butterfly tattoo can represent different things to different people, below are just some brief examples.

Butterfly Symbolism

  • Represents the fragility of life

  • Transformation or change as well as love and joy

  • Simplicity

  • Peace

  • A new life

  • A new beginning

  • Serves as a reminder to make changes when the opportunities arise

  • The butterfly flight appears as though its dancing, a reminder not to take things so seriously

At first a butterfly is an ugly caterpillar and nobody even thinks to give it a second look. With time and dedication it transforms into something breathtaking. The metamorphosis process makes the butterfly a powerful symbol for transformation. Throughout our life we will be faced with change and transformation. A butterfly tattoo is an excellent way to remember that change, the dedication it took, and serves as a constant reminder to make the necessary changes when the opportunities present themselves.

Butterfly Facts

  • About 28,000 known butterfly species throughout the world

  • Butterflies weigh as little as two rose petals (could incorporate this into your tattoo design)

  • The wings of a butterfly are actually transparent; the vivid colors are due to overlapping bright scales

  • Butterflies only fly during the day

  • You won’t kill a butterfly by touching its wings

Butterfly Tattoo Testimonials

  • I just received my butterfly tattoo a month ago and for me it symbolizes a new life, a new beginning if you will. For years I have tried to please everyone by being someone I’m not. My butterfly tattoo was a gift to me for being me. The process was exhilarating and the tattoo is calm, vibrant, colorful, and most of all beautiful. Everything that I want to be.

  • My grandma died and before she was buried she was put into her coffin in a closed depressing room that didn’t have windows or ventilation. A dismal electric bulb was the only thing that lighted her while her loved ones said goodbye. When they arrived into the room they found a butterfly flying around with its vivid colored wings and it has remained a mystery of how it arrived there. This incident caused me to get a butterfly tattoo. For me my tattoo symbolizes the spirit, life and death with its three stages of mankind, and reincarnation. Finally, it also symbolizes the short and intense life and the magic dust on a butterfly’s wing is our freedom that enables our flight.

In conclusion butterfly tattoos are not only a great choice for their vivid colors and beauty, but also for the deep rooted meanings they can provide.

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Post from: Free Tattoo Designs & Patterns

Butterfly Tattoos

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In loving memory tattoos although very popular will simply never go out of style. They are a great way to remember a loved one, honor them for the rest of your life, and have them be a part of you for eternity. Getting in loving memory tattoos are no doubt emotional, but the joy, pride, and remembrance they can give you make them well worth it. Often people get tattoos to recognize a defining moment in their life. This could be a number of things from getting married, a new job, a new baby; the list goes on and on. It’s unfortunate that the world we live in can’t always be perfect and often people that lose a loved one have an extremely difficult time letting them go. In loving memory tattoos are a great way to hold on to that person forever. It could be a husband that has lost his wife, a mother that has lost her son, a best friend passing away, or the memory of a pet. In loving memory tattoos are very personal and thought about extensively when coming up with a design making them a tattoo you will never regret.

in loving memory tattoosIn loving memory tattoos help commemorate and remember the loss of a loved one and help you keep that person alive in you forever. Tattoo styles and designs come and go like anything. Koi fish, tribal tattoos, lower back tattoos, butterfly tattoos, whatever they may be. All hit their peak and eventually die down. In loving memory tattoos will never go out of style. It will always remain fashionable to remember the ones in your life that you cared for and loved the most. You simply will never regret a tattoo with such deep meaning.

With in loving memory tattoos the amount of effort and time you will put into your final design will allow you to love your tattoo and never regret it. Thinking about how to represent a loved one should play into your design which will make your tattoo original to both yourself and the person you are remembering. It’s also worth noting that having an in loving memory tattoo can almost be a therapeutic experience. Of course, it won’t help right away but eventually it can help you with closure and the healing process can begin. With an in loving memory tattoo you will have that constant reminder of that person, the influence they had on your life, and how much you truly did care for them. Many of us start to feel guilty when we stop thinking about a loved one we have lost, we feel like they have been forgotten. With an in loving memory tattoo you will always have that reminder and will never have to worry about guilt. Of course it’s important to move forward and progress in life but remembering a loved one can give you inspiration, memories, and remind you every single day of how much you loved that person and the impact they had on your life. Check out these great free tattoo designs and patterns of in loving memory tattoos.

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Post from: Free Tattoo Designs & Patterns

In Loving Memory Tattoos

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