Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Twisted Sister Christmas album


Great! Just what the world needs, another Christmas album. A very special Christmas album, a Twisted Sister Christmas album. Why the fuck would anyone want to listen to this shit? They were shit back in the 80’s, do you really think they got better with age. Jesus Christ! Why is this happening?

If you want to listen to this garbage, got to

Make sure to listen to the I’ll be home for Christmas duet featuring Lita Ford of all people.

Episode 3

Episode 4


It looks like a speck of dust on the surface of the sun. But this spectacular picture shows the space shuttle Atlantis alongside the International Space Station (ISS) silhouetted as they orbit the earth.

The image was taken in Normandy by French astrophotographer Thierry Legault. He used a digital camera attached to a £5,000 specially kitted-out telescope.


House of Cosby first turned up as part of Channel101, a monthly film festival in LA for short films in the form of a pilot under five minutes in length. The audience chooses what is shown and which film makers return for the next screening. House of Cosby was the first film to go three straight months at number one until it was cancelled when the series creator received a cease and decist order from Bill Cosby’s lawyers.

The cartoon is about a guy who builds a machine to clone Bill Cosby for his own entertainment, then clones more of him to help around the house. Clones like House Keeping Cosby, Tattle Tale Cosby, Butt Naked Cosby, Mood Swing Cosby and April Fool’s Cosby just to name a few.

It’s pretty funny.

Episode 1

Episode 2


Apparently Charlie Sheen is in negotiations to become the highest paid star on television. CHARLIE SHEEN!!!

“Sheen will earn about $ 350,000 per episode this season from producer of the CBS powerhouse, Warner Bros. Television. This represents a hefty increase from his previous payday in the low six figures.”

What the fuck? He’s terrible. The only good thing he ever had going for him ran away with a washed up wrinkly old rocker. $ 350,000 will buy him a shit load of Coke and Prozzies. Enjoy


Nintendo’s Wii gaming console will be out on Nov. 19, costing $ 250 US. Better than $ 600 for playstation3. It has a motion-sensing Bluetooth controller…[Insert nerd speak here]… You can surf the net with the Wii Channel …[more nerd talk]… and has at least 25 games like tennis, golf, baseball and bowling.

“Sporting the size of a traditional remote control, the wireless Wii Remote controller is a multifunctional device that is limited only by the game designer’s imagination. In a tennis game, it serves as your racket you swing with your arm. In a driving game, it serves as your steering wheel. For first-person shooters, the remote acts as your weapon that you point at an enemy. The list of potential uses goes on and on.”


This all sounds far to complicated for me, when I play these silly games I don’t feel like sweating. The way I like to play involves a few beers, a shitty old TV and maybe a nap. Although I do like Duck Hunt, it’s very advanced with that gun and all. I want to press A to jump, not actually jump, I might hurt myself.

PS. I still have the old console in my basement, Interesting trades considered.

Nintendo Wii Apple spoof.

Conestructing Revolution

“Take your favorite foods: Pizza. Asian Beef. BLT Sandwich.
Teriyaki Chicken. Place them inside a tasty spill-free Crispy Cone.
What do you have? A healthy, delicious meal on the go.”

New York Based Artist, Chef and Food Designer Nir Adar is trying to reinvent the way we eat by serving popular foods like pizza, chicken teriyaki even bacon and eggs in an edible, portable cone. CrispyCones’ restaurant has a location in Santa Anita California.

The site is pretty funny. I thought it was a joke, apparently it’s not. Who knew that “Food designer” was a real job. Only in America.

These are some images from Adar’d earlier work Food Squish.


For his Food Squish photo series, Nir Adar chose indulgent foods like the Big Mac, banana split, donuts, and ketchup and fries and placed them between two sheets of glass. Adar stood on top of them in order to squish them. This spontaneous act created compositions that are both beautiful and psychologically gruesome, exposing the dubious attraction of such foods in arresting images that Adar aptly describes as “deliciously disgusting.”


The work originally appeared as part of the Value Meal: Design and (over)Eating and represented the United States at the International Design Biennale in Saint-Etienne, France in 2004.

You can see more of his work Here

Here are a few different clips of a giant puppet suspended by helicopters in Iceland. Rumour is that it was filmed for a brand. Looks like he’s wearing Levi’s. Don’t know what it was for but still cool.


Why is it that every half assed actor/singer/dipshit feels they have to get married to get back in the news? The latest is 18 year old Aaron Carter, younger brother of Backstreet Boy, Nick Carter. I had never heard of this idiot until I read that he had proposed to his longtime girlfriend of 5 DAYS, former Miss Teen USA and Playboy Playmate Kari Ann Peniche, 22. 5 DAYS! What the fuck kid? I know Mr Playboy Playmate sounds appealing but smarten up. Turns out he did, a full 11 days into the relationship he came to his senses and called off the wedding with some stupid excuse about not been ready for marriage. NO SHIT! Did I mention that Kari Ann is older brother Nick’s ex. Sick. When does Dad get a turn?

I decided just to show pictures of Kari Ann. Really, who cares about either of the Carter punks.

Here are some pictures from her “spread”
kariann2.jpg kariann5.jpg kariann6.jpg

You can see the whole set Here

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